Mario Cuomo Campaign for Economic Justice



Lay of the land

Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour is one of the single-most progressive actions to help working families across New York. The 2016-2017 state budget included this historic increase that will ultimately reach $15 an hour for all workers in all industries across the state. No one who works a full-time job should be forced to live in poverty. A reasonable minimum wage is a necessity to improve the standard of living for workers, encourage fair and more efficient business practices, and ensure that the most vulnerable members of the workforce can contribute to the economy.

​How we changed the dynamic

Metropolitan Public Strategies developed the media, organizing and strategic planning for the campaign, and built a partnership with dozens of prominent labor unions, business leaders, elected officials, clergy, and community groups, including managing the coordination and direction of staff from the participating entities. Recognizing the political challenges facing this effort, MPS prioritized the coordination of a strong validator mobilization program, where we constantly kept our supporters aware of and engaged in the day-to-day news of the campaign with informative content to share with their respective audiences, building a broad and effective vehicle to amplify the campaign’s message.

Value Delivered

  • Campaign plan, budget and staffing assignments

  • Comprehensive media plan including daily press releases, news story pitches, opinion-editorial drafting & placement, TV, direct mail

  • Digital media operations management & creation and management of the campaign’s website and social media accounts

  • Full campaign creative production & graphics

  • Community outreach & organizing programs building groundswell of support across the state

  • Strategy sessions with campaign allies, staff and partnership stakeholders